Friday 22 June 2007

Is this what Muslims want to hear the West tell them?

We're sorry we gave you a roof when your country was at war...

We're sorry we helped you when other countries rejected you...

We're sorry we gave you the opportunity to get decent education...

We're sorry we gave you a house when you had nothing...

We're sorry we allowed your family to come over when your own country was insecure...

We're sorry we never compelled you to get a job and have paid your bills...

We're sorry we gave you access to welfare when you didn't have a job...

We're sorry we gave you nearly free electricity, healthcare, loans and food...

We're sorry we allowed you to build mosques so you could practice your religion in our lands.

We're sorry we never compelled you to learn our language even after 30 years of residence...

We're sorry we gave you decent healthcare...

We're sorry you were treated so well in our prisons...

We're sorry we paid child-allowance for your numerous children...

We're sorry we still allow you to make use of dual-citizenship...

We're sorry we don't cut your hand when you steal...

We're sorry we don't take over your religion, culture and language...

We're sorry our women's clothing shocks your men so much...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah. I definitely am not an Islam supporter, but dude, get your facts right before you go ranting and raving. That's what I hate about Americans. They hear one (usually the govt's) story, and run with it.

To quote Oscar Sanchez, the east needs doctors and teachers, not guns and militia. And in all honesty, the GWB administration didn't do their homework on how their civilization runs, and thus created more disturbance rather than aid.

In any case, I may not agree with your opinion, but I'll fight to the death to protect it.