Friday 22 June 2007

Why I left Islam - I. Raza

I was born in a moderate Shiite family in Punjab, eastern province of Pakistan . As it happens with almost every other Muslim male newborn, I underwent unscientific rituals based on religious traditions carried out on me, including Azaan in my ears on the very first day followed by circumcision and head shaving in the first week of my life. Both my grand mothers were very devout Shiites and Muslims, as we live in Pakistan in a closely knit family so the process of my brain washing started early by telling me about the greatness of Allah, the exalted morality of Prophet and all 12 Imams and the great sacrifice of Imam Hussain and his family to save Islam from falling into evil hands. A Shiite cleric was hired to teach me the recitation of the Quran and also Islamic and Shiite fundamentals who tried his best to instill in me the reverence to faith in Islam and Shiite sect in particular. At the age of ten I finished the recitation of the Quran twice and was done with the Cleric. I happened to watch “The Message” movie when I was about 8 and as Islam was depicted very positively in this Hollywood style scripted movie it left on me a positive impression of Islam.
Read on here, on Ali Sina's website.

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